
Magick and witchcraft are, for the most part, not quantifiable. Diana Rajchel and other ethical practitioners cannot “prove” magick, or prove anything else relating to the spiritual world. Results can not be reproduced under laboratory conditions, assuming there would be a laboratory available at all. While Ms. Rajchel has full faith in what she offers, as in any professional service, she cannot guarantee results.

This site is not a source of medical, legal, or mental health advice. While the use of herbalism is discussed, always check with your qualified healthcare provider before trying anything - nature makes bad for you stuff, too, and what’s bad for you varies by the individual.

The information and services here do not override the recommendations of qualified medical professionals - including and especially mental health professionals. Neither this site nor Diana Rajchel offers any legal advice; any civil disobedience undertaken is the sole responsibility of the person that undertakes it. There may be pieces of folklore, archeology, and history presented as fact by Diana Rajchel that change as new discoveries happen, or as people of varying origins recover their histories. While Rajchel may update if she can, there are no guarantees - what we think we know and what we actually know changes all the time.