Diana would love to attend your live or online event!

She treats every invitation on a case-by-case basis. She loves to travel and see the diverse communities in the magickal world! If her family needs and business schedule allow, she will bring her best if you can meet her part-way!

In addition to teaching, she and her partner often take on healing work and complex community problems. These add an energy tax to their visits that they have to account for.

The following list is typical of the costs that she requests to be covered:

  • Transportation for herself and her partner for any event exceeding a 2.5-hour round trip by car.

  • Lodging for herself and her partner for multi-day events.

  • A per diem covering meals.

  • Ability to vend or make services available to cover lost income due to travel.

Diana covers the costs when her children travel with her.

Online is easier; yes, she even has a proper microphone and fiber Internet now if needed.

Reach out to her scheduler here.

Guest Spots

Diana is an experienced guest on podcasts and vidcasts. She does not charge for online appearances. All you need to do is ask, and give her a few days advance notice. Shoot her a message, she’ll see what she can do!