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About Divorcing a Real Witch

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Divorcing a Real Witch addresses the painful emotional journey of divorce from a Wiccan perspective. Along with sharing her own experience, author Diana Rajchel solicits the experiences and advice of other Pagans on how to handle this life passage.


Divorcing a Real Witch fills a huge gap in the resources that Witches and Pagans have in the areas of family and relationships. This book is not just the story of an individual, but a practical and spiritual companion for what is truly a transformational journey.

David Salisbury, author of The Deep Heart of Witchcraft and Teen Spirit Wicca.

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About Urban Magick

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Download New Leaves February 2020 Cover Here

For witches that want to make an impact, they need to start where they live. For the witches that live in cities and celebrate that, Diana Rajchel offers this guide to the magick of public art, urban design, architecture, and long walks in strange neighborhoods. 

This exploration of a new and forgotten magical art will connect you down the different paths of urban magick, whether that's hearth and home for a safer neighborhood, or the priesthood path that requires a conversation with the city itself. Bring this guide with you as a way to open to the spirit and adventure of your city!


About Hex Twisting

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Hex Twisting: Counter Magick Spells for the Irritated Witch is a user-friendly guide to diagnosing and dealing with negative magick sent your way. From the basics of warding off the evil eye to complicated situations with darker forces, this walkthrough of ways to uncross, unhex, uncurse, and return to sender has been described as “Magickal JuJitsu.”

Release Date:

Electronic November 8, 2021

Print December 8, 2021

Pre-Order on Amazon Now

Hex Twisting on Desperate House Witches

Llewellyn Sabbat Essentials Mabon & Samhain


Mabon: Recipes, Rituals & Lore for Autumn Equinox

In Audio

French Translation

Polish Translation

Mabon—also known as the Autumn Equinox—is a time to honor the spiritual significance of harvest, sacrifice, and survival. This guide shows you how to perform rituals and work magic that incorporates the shifting balance between light and dark that reaches its pinnacle during the equinox.


Samhain: Recipes, Rituals & Lore for Halloween

In Audio and on CD

French Translation

Polish Translation

Russian Translation

Samhain—also known as Halloween—is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This guide shows you how to practice the serious work of divination and honoring the dead along with the more lighthearted activities of Halloween.