About Diana

Diana Rajchel (she/they) is an author, teacher, and experimental scholar of the spiritual. Her publication credits include Urban Magick: a Guide for the City Witch and Hex Twisting: Counter Magick Spells for the Irritated Witch. She believes that spirituality should support your life more than run it and that religion needs to get out of the business of explaining phenomena because it’s terrible about updates. For people who like technical jargon, she is a “panentheistic animist.” For those that need something more direct, she believes in Gods, but she doesn’t think it’s wise to go around encouraging ‘em. She lives with her family and a heavily opinionated boxer-malamute in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Diana is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher with Where You’re at Yoga and co-owner of Golden Apple Metaphysical, an online metaphysical startup in San Francisco. She specializes in magickal diagnostics and curse-breaking and takes consultations via the Spirited Witch. She has a sense of humor, especially about herself, and she works best with people who can look at themselves and have a loving laugh.

In past adventures, she was the national editor for the Pagan Newswire Collective, a volunteer organizer for Minneapolis Pagan Pride, and the blogger and editor-in-chief at Fat Chic: It’s not about trying to look thin. Her works have been published in Sage Women, Circle Sanctuary, and many Llewellyn annuals.

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