Hex Twisting: Counter-magick spells for the Irritated Witch
Other occult books focus on general protection methods and the ethics of cursing. The mentality is usually “don’t get cursed and you won’t have a problem.” This, alas, does not always work. Hex Twisting gives you the steps to figure out if you’ve been cursed, and if you have, how to tell multiple curses apart, what methods were used, and what injuries were sustained. From figuring out whodunnit, to how to deal with the pettiest annoyances, and even how to take it to the mattresses when someone goes too far, you will find a cornucopia of tools for customizing provided frameworks to cover your back while shutting down the bastards trying to get you down. Sometimes it’s not a human hand giving trouble but a spirit of some form who is being a jerk. Included is how you lay down boundaries with the misbehaving liminal, as well as how to take stock of your spiritual trauma, some prevention methods, and real talk about what may be needed to recover.
Excerpt from Hex Twisting
People that intentionally send bad energy tend to fixate. For whatever reason, they want your attention. They want your time. The more time you spend fighting them, the more power they take from you, sapping the energy from your life. For whatever reason, they got loose from the bindings, they got past your cut and clear. They want a response, damn it, so you can give them one. Just make the answer to their call so bizarre it causes a mental shutdown.
For this, we have confusion spells. I often add confusion elements to defensive workings. If someone can't focus well enough to reverse engineer my protections, my life is that much easier. Truly bizarre occurrences, harmless and exceptionally weird, are a great way to break someone's focus on you.
My default strategy for adding confusion to spells is to reach into the proverbial herb bag. Invariably, starting with poppy seeds as they are affordable, easy, and reliable in confusion work. Black and yellow mustard seeds also help; vinegar and red pepper can add an element of chaos.
*For the recipe and detailed instructions, check out the confusion spell recipes. The only way you will likely get confused following the instructions in chapter 7 is if you spill the potion on yourself.