Scroll down to book a Zoom session.

For on-site services click here.

What to expect from working with me

Spirit work and witchcraft have been mythologized so much and in so many different ways that what we actually do, can do, and should do is more than a little bit obscure. While I am reasonably versed in the anthropological categorizations of people who do what I do, that sort of thing is better discussed in my classes. To take classes with me, check my calendar or message my scheduler.

For the short answer, witches, shamans, and spirit workers are not a monolith. We don’t all do the same things in the same ways. Not only do we have different spells, rituals, and spirits to do some of the same things, but we often have different religions, spiritual agreements, and ethical codes and taboos. I can’t speak for other practitioners - only for myself.

My ethos of practice and personal taboos

  • Consent is sacred. No person or non-human person will ever be forced to do anything. (Evicting an incalcitrant that spirit violates YOUR content falls under boundary setting.) Because of this, I do not assist with reconciliation spells or entertain twin flame and soulmate searches. The way these concepts are popularly practiced has become profoundly unhealthy, and I draw a boundary when participating.

  • Privacy is sacred. If I discuss your situation with a colleague or bring in a consultant, I will notify you and obtain your verbal consent first. I will also only look into others who are absent if it is about a topic that directly impacts you.

  • Spiritual frameworks only work if they work for You. I will try to craft any recommended practices for your belief system and religion.

  • Follow the scientific and indigenous lead when feasible (indigenous people are also not a monolith, and the local geography and local cultures are a factor). Nature and the divine are perfectly aligned; humans have a habit of getting confused by inner life chaos and losing the grounding of the examples surrounding us.

  • I am not racially blind. Your experiences and privileges may differ from mine, and for me to help you, you may need to make me aware of dynamics I am unlikely to experience. It is not your obligation to educate me, but if you feel that it will help me help you, that time will be subtracted from your session either in a discount or in extra time given.

  • I am an advocate of harm reduction and destigmatization rather than abstinence of any kind.

  • I practice radical non-judgment. You are where you are, and I meet you where you are.

  • I can not do all the work for you; I am here to offer insight and support. If you are a practitioner, what I do cannot benefit you unless you have a decent grounding, centering, warding, and drama-reduction practice.

  • I aim to work myself out of a job with each client. I want everyone to end their sessions with me feeling they have the spiritual tools to deal with whatever may come next.

My boundaries and restrictions:

Every spirit worker has different taboos and auspices, depending on their mentors, traditions, culture, training, and spirit agreements. Insofar as it comes to my client practice, here are mine:

  • I do not work for free. I used to, but I became so overburdened that I almost died. Because of that, I do not take “screening” phone calls to “see if it’s a good match,” nor do I engage with emails or direct messages that are longer than a few sentences. Because of the requirements of the spirits I serve, I cannot work for free. If you want to screen me, I have several free videos on TikTok and a few published books that represent me well enough (though as each year passes, I age and change.)

  • To make my work accessible to those my required fees might exclude, I offer payment plan options via Stripe, which has Klarna and Affirm.

  • My sessions are limited to 90 minutes maximum. If a session goes over, clients will be invoiced for that time in 15-minute increments, and I will not accept a rebooking until the balance is paid. Same-day back-to-back bookings are not allowed.

  • I do not mind the occasional email or text asking for clarification on one or two points from a session or reminding me to send the Zoom link (I still have not found a good way to automate sending!) However, emails and texts can also become time thieves, and if it becomes more than a brief exchange, the client will be invoiced for that time.

  • All clients must be between appointments for at least two weeks.

  • I will work with your spirits when they consent, but I will not defer to them regarding the health, safety, and needs of my home, family, and myself.

  • While I strive to meet you where you are, I also ask you to meet me where I am. I am not inclined towards hierarchies and am in service to spirit and the greater good first and foremost. I serve, but I am no servant. I will decline work if my boundaries are not respected.

  • I have absolute empathy for those who have experienced institutional abuse, and I understand the desire to take down entire organizations. There are many reasons why doing so is profoundly complex, and I am just one person. I am happy to work with you on your situation and how it applies to you. But I will not chase after entire organizations - vigilantism qualifies as “working for free,” and my spirits won’t have it.

Book an appointment.

Welcome to the new and improved booking site with the Spirited Witch! All appointments happen via Zoom, set to Eastern Time US. For new and returning clients, some new policies are in place to prevent burnout and maintain healthy client relationships:

  • Sessions are limited to 90 minutes, maximum.

  • Clients must wait at least two weeks before booking a second session. If rebooking is recommended, they will be sent a link to do so in a follow-up email. Curse-breaking and Reincarnation/Ancestor work clients may only book through the follow-up links. Attempting to use divination as a workaround will lead to a client cancellation.

  • If there does not seem to be a time available at the desired time, it is because there is another commitment. The commitment may be sleeping. The work that comes in is physically and energetically demanding.

  • Responses to booking inquiries happen during designated business administration hours only.

  • On-site clients must book a 30-minute Zoom session at least one week before any site visit.

  • Ritual services for the client only happen at premium and package levels. Sessions pay for time, advice, and teaching how-to.

  • All services must stay within a reasonable scope of the practice. While spiritual counseling is available, it does not replace mental health care.

  • Folks desiring in-person services, go to my in-person services listing. At this time, I serve the southwest Michigan area. I am willing to drive up to three hours to provide on-site services, with the understanding that there is an additional charge for fuel, travel time, and needed material.

  • Do you need help navigating my services? Do you want to know what situations I accept and which ones are for someone else to handle? Take a look at my service description page.

For on-site services within three hours of Kalamazoo, Michigan, click here.