Diana does not travel alone under any circumstances. Usually, her partner Synty accompanies her. If Synty is unavailable, she will bring another person who has equivalent skills and upholds privacy and consent.

We are willing to assist with house cleansings, paranormal investigations, and unusual spiritual issues in southwest Michigan. We limit our driving area to three hours away. We are willing to go as far as Chicago, the UP, Detroit, and Pennsylvania if it’s especially unusual and interesting and if lodging is provided. Do NOT offer us lodging in spaces where haunting is part of your tourist industry. We are only willing to make trips for people who want problems genuinely resolved. We tend to ruin paranormal investigation shows because we lead with science and then go woo, so maybe leave us out of that sort of thing.

On-Site Services

Magnifying Glass Over Spirited Witch Logo

All clients requesting a site visit must first book a screening via Zoom. Our intention with this is to make sure we know what may be needed upon arrival, and when possible to eliminate the need for a visit by coaching on how to handle common metaphysical issues.